Apoyen a los huérfanos

Ayuden a construir un futuro mejor para los niños en África y Palestina.

Apoyar a los huérfanos y a las comunidades

Creamos oportunidades para los huérfanos en África y los habitantes de Palestina mediante donaciones para construir escuelas, viviendas y centros de salud.

A group of children sitting in a row on a concrete step, each holding a booklet. The children are wearing a school uniform of green checked dresses, with the exception of one child wearing a blue and orange t-shirt. They are seated outside a school building with a brown and yellow exterior.
A group of children sitting in a row on a concrete step, each holding a booklet. The children are wearing a school uniform of green checked dresses, with the exception of one child wearing a blue and orange t-shirt. They are seated outside a school building with a brown and yellow exterior.



Impacto positivo garantizado

Compromiso solidario

Apoyo a los huérfanos

Ayúdennos a construir un futuro mejor para los huérfanos en África y Palestina.

A group of children wearing school uniforms are holding hands and engaging in an outdoor activity with an adult. They appear to be happy and are smiling, with lush greenery and a rural setting in the background.
A group of children wearing school uniforms are holding hands and engaging in an outdoor activity with an adult. They appear to be happy and are smiling, with lush greenery and a rural setting in the background.
Three children dressed in school uniforms stand in a rural setting. The two girls and one boy wear matching grey sweaters and ties. Behind them, two women, one in a pink top and the other wrapped in a brown shawl, are slightly out of focus, standing near a road. The background features a natural landscape with a tree and an unclear road leading into the distance.
Three children dressed in school uniforms stand in a rural setting. The two girls and one boy wear matching grey sweaters and ties. Behind them, two women, one in a pink top and the other wrapped in a brown shawl, are slightly out of focus, standing near a road. The background features a natural landscape with a tree and an unclear road leading into the distance.
Proyectos en curso

Descubre nuestras iniciativas para construir escuelas, viviendas y centros de salud para las comunidades.

Haga una donación

Contribuya a nuestra misión con un pago seguro y transparente para un impacto directo.

Apoyo humanitario

Ayuda a los huérfanos en África y Palestina a prosperar.

A group of children gathers outdoors on an orange mat placed on the ground near a brick wall and rustic building. Some children are sitting with books, while others stand nearby. There's an atmosphere of informal learning or play in a rural setting.
A group of children gathers outdoors on an orange mat placed on the ground near a brick wall and rustic building. Some children are sitting with books, while others stand nearby. There's an atmosphere of informal learning or play in a rural setting.
A diverse group of children and a few adults are gathered outdoors, holding brightly colored bags. They are standing in front of a small structure with a green tarp roof and mud walls. The children are wearing a variety of colorful clothes, and some are giving playful gestures.
A diverse group of children and a few adults are gathered outdoors, holding brightly colored bags. They are standing in front of a small structure with a green tarp roof and mud walls. The children are wearing a variety of colorful clothes, and some are giving playful gestures.
A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
A group of women wearing casual clothing are engaging with children in a colorful room. The walls are painted with bright circles and letters. Some of the women are seated, serving food or interacting with the children, while one stands using a phone. The children are sitting or kneeling on the floor, holding bowls and cups.
A group of women wearing casual clothing are engaging with children in a colorful room. The walls are painted with bright circles and letters. Some of the women are seated, serving food or interacting with the children, while one stands using a phone. The children are sitting or kneeling on the floor, holding bowls and cups.
A group of children in school uniforms walk along a sandy path near the ocean, accompanied by two adults who may be their guardians or teachers. The children carry red school bags and appear to be walking with purpose, possibly towards or from school. The setting is bright and open, with the sea visible in the background, and the sky is clear.
A group of children in school uniforms walk along a sandy path near the ocean, accompanied by two adults who may be their guardians or teachers. The children carry red school bags and appear to be walking with purpose, possibly towards or from school. The setting is bright and open, with the sea visible in the background, and the sky is clear.
A group of smiling children is gathered in a courtyard area, with one child leaning on a large stone planter with bright pink flowers. They are wearing school uniforms and appear cheerful.
A group of smiling children is gathered in a courtyard area, with one child leaning on a large stone planter with bright pink flowers. They are wearing school uniforms and appear cheerful.

Testimonios de donantes

Descubre el impacto de tus donaciones en las vidas de los huérfanos.

Haber contribuido a proporcionar una educación de calidad a los huérfanos es una de las mayores satisfacciones de mi vida. Cada niño merece una oportunidad para aprender y cumplir sus sueños, y me siento orgulloso de haber sido parte de esta iniciativa

María González
A poster on a wall, secured with duct tape, features the Ukrainian flag's blue and yellow colors and reads 'Solidarity is now for Ukraine'. It includes a call for donations to 'savethechildren.ch' and a QR code. The background has graffiti on a brown surface and there are plants with flowers on the right.
A poster on a wall, secured with duct tape, features the Ukrainian flag's blue and yellow colors and reads 'Solidarity is now for Ukraine'. It includes a call for donations to 'savethechildren.ch' and a QR code. The background has graffiti on a brown surface and there are plants with flowers on the right.

Sevilla, España

Estoy tan feliz de haber podido ayudar a ofrecer atención médica esencial a los huérfanos. Su bienestar ahora está en buenas manos, y me llena de calidez saber que hice una diferencia

A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.
A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.
Juan Pérez

Madrid, España


Estoy encantado de ver que mi contribución ayudó a que estos niños recibieran la atención médica que necesitaban. Su salud y felicidad son esenciales, y saber que hice una diferencia es muy gratificante

Sofía López

Palma, España


Al ayudar a estos huérfanos, siento que he brindado un apoyo valioso, ya sea en salud, educación o nutrición. Ahora tienen un futuro más brillante gracias a estas iniciativas, y me siento feliz de haber contribuido

Laura Álvarez

Barcelone, Espagne

Realmente estoy conmovido al ver el impacto positivo que mi contribución ha tenido en estos niños. Su salud ha mejorado, y eso significa que realmente hice una diferencia en sus vidas. Es una sensación indescriptible

Saber que mi donación ayudó a mejorar la nutrición de los huérfanos me llena de gratitud. Ahora tienen acceso a comidas equilibradas y pueden crecer sanos, lo cual es crucial para su futuro

Carlos Rodríguez

Palma, España

Daniela Mendes

Sevilla, España

Ayudar a ofrecer un techo y un ambiente seguro para los huérfanos me llena de orgullo. Ahora tienen un lugar donde se sienten protegidos y amados, y es un privilegio haber podido contribuir a darles eso.

Luis Fernández

Rabat, Maroc

Apoyar la educación de los huérfanos me dio la oportunidad de contribuir a la construcción de un futuro mejor para ellos. Sé que mis esfuerzos les permitirán alcanzar su potencial y salir de la pobreza

Ahmed M

Bilbao, España